Sample Questions
The Impact Award presentation includes 5 minutes of Q&A after the team is finished presenting. By then the judges will have all written submissions and the presentation to base their questions around.
General Questions
How has FIRST changed you? Your team? Your school?
What team accomplishment makes you most proud?
Outside of your team, who has given you the most help this year? How?
Who have you helped this season?
What have been the top priorities for your team this year?
How did you establish them?
What has your team focused on improving this year?
How has your team spread the FIRST Core Values in your school? In the community?
Tell us how your team has demonstrated Gracious Professionalism® and/or Coopertition®.
Has your team done any community outreach?
Does your team have any involvement with FIRST® Tech Challenge or FIRST® LEGO® League?
How does your team support FIRST core values?
How does your team integrate imagery and branding?
How does your team find and “Thank” your sponsors/supporters?
How does your team keep students, mentors, and sponsors actively engaged?
How does your team celebrate success and document lessons learned to prevent repeating mistakes?
Describe what your team does related to environmental sustainability.
How does your team budget for the season?
How does your team ensure there’s funds/resources available for future seasons?
Do you have a succession plan? Can you describe it?
Did your team discuss potential risks for the season? Describe your contingency plan.
How do you ensure that your team is following correct safety practices?
Questions Specific to Team 167
The following are questions that Team 167 has been asked in judging. They may not pertain to all teams, but offer insight into the kinds of questions judges may come up with during Q&A.
How do you recruit from FTC? Are they a sister program?
Why should you win the Impact Award?
What does the curriculum for Junior Bots look like?
How do you collect data on graduating seniors/college plans?
What is a veteran member?
Have you considered sharing resources for your fundraising or sponsor forms in your docs project?
What program are you using for inclusivity training? Are you reaching out to a certified program?
What role specifically did you play in the advocacy project with other FIRST teams?
How do you collect analytics on docs project and do other teams use it?
What makes your team unique?
What is the success rate of the sponsorship project at the beginning of the season?
What is our team’s biggest impact?
Any other things you’d like us to know?
Can you tell me about your STEM nights and what does that involve?
What is a challenge the team as a whole has faced this year?
Can you tell us more about the Celebration of the Wild Robot? Was this a book?
Did you travel to Kansas City to work with the GoBabyGo actual organization or was everything handled from Iowa City?
If you could do the whole season again, what would you change?
When you walk out of here there is going to be something you wish you said to us. What is it?
You have a lot of reach in different communities, what has been your biggest struggle in maintaining them and how do you keep events organized?
What feedback did you receive about your Python camp and what did you do with it?
What is a challenge you overcame this season & how did you do it?
What challenges have you faced from the rapid growth your team has experienced?
Has your recent team growth made you feel better about your year-over-year progress and how do you think it will impact your experience in coming years?
Questions Collected from Other Teams
Team #3928 Neutrino
Describe your team in three words
What makes you different from every other team?
If you were given $5000 right now what would you do with it?
Where do you see your team 5 years from now?
What do you want your impact on FIRST in your community to be 20 years from now?
Where do you plan for your team to be in five years?
What's something new for your team this year?
What is your team's greatest accomplishment?
Anything else you want to share with the judges?
Tell me about your efforts to promote FIRST and STEM.
How does your outreach impact your community? Team members?
Tell us more about your outreach program.
Tell us more about your efforts to expand FRC in general.
How has your outreach expanded over the past five years?
How are you connecting with your community in a way that is different from other teams?
How are you expanding FRC in your state?
Who are your sponsors and how do they help you?
What is one important outreach event your teams participated in?
What is the most important outreach event your team participates in?
How do you work with other FRC teams?
If you could only pick one event to continue, what would you pick and why?
Why is having relationships with your community, sponsors, etc important?
How do you motivate your team to participate in outreach?
How have you mentored other FIRST teams?
How have you positively impacted the "FIRST community?
How are your FLL programs sustainable?
How many FLL teams have you mentored this past season?
How do you design your mentoring programs to run? What are your roles?
How do you work with sponsors? How do you connect with them and work with them to further your relationships with them?
How do you fundraise?
What is your budget? How is that decided on?
Describe your relationship with your sponsors.
What are your alumni doing now? How did FIRST help them?
Tell us more about your website and your published resources.
Tell me about your team's sustainability plans.
Tell me about your business plan.
How have you improved from last year?
How did you overcome challenges and what were those challenges?
How has your team grown since last year?
What will your team do differently next year?
How do you recruit new members?
How is your team expanding?
How is FIRST helping current team members?
What are you planning to do after high school? After college?
How has this team impacted you specifically?
What have you learned from FIRST?
What will you carry with you from your time in FIRST?
What does FIRST mean to you?
What does Gracious Professionalism mean to you?
What did you do on the team this year?
How did the FIRST program impact you directly?
Why did you join robotics?
What is the mission of FIRST to you?
What are your roles on the team?
How is your team structured?
How many students are on your team? What is the break up between grades?
Where do you see your team going in the future?
What do your mentors do on the team?
What did your robot do this year?
Give an example of when you embodied gracious professionalism.
Why did your team pick your name?
What is your mission statement?
What has your team done to encourage underrepresented students to get involved in robotics?
What advice would you give rookie teams or teams in their first few years?
What is your relationship with your school?
What is one last thing you want to tell us?
What is the most important piece of paper you gave me?
Last updated
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